Tuesday, January 14, 2014

what is the difference between the Kvar and farads, Rating on Power capacitor is for eg: x kvar, and normal capacitor is eg: x farads.

what is the relation between these two?
KVAR : stands for Kilo Volt Ampere Reactance , used to measure maximum reactive power (imaginary) that can the capacitor stands

Farad : unit of measuring the capacitance of the capacitor

No relation between them !

Monday, January 6, 2014

According to ohms law V=IR that is Voltage and Current are directly proportional to each other but whenever load increases the current increases and the voltage reduces which means inversely proportional how?
According to ohm's law voltage and current are directly proportional keeping resistance as constant but whenever load increases the current increases and the voltage reduces because Power=V*I so for maintaining constant power when current increases the voltage reduces.so both the conditions are different.